MGCC Monthly Meeting
When: Wed, January 11, 6pm – 8pm
Where: Mimi’s Cafe, 9155 Park Meadows Dr, Lone Tree, CO, United States map (map) (map)
Description: Business meeting starts at 7pm. Recommend you arrive by 6pm if you plan to have dinner
Total Eclipse: August 2017
You won’t have to “fly to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun” as Carly Simon sang in 1972.
Hotel rooms are sold out all across the path in Nebraska and Wyoming for the night of August 21, 2017. The bus trip may be the best way to experience the event and the 400 mile round trip.
MOAB Galloping Goose Video
Steve Hart has provided the video from the Galloping Goose on this year’s MOAB trip.
Fall 2016 Dynamo
Christmas Party December 10
November 2016 Meeting
When: Wed, November 9, 5pm – 7pm
Where: Mimi’s Cafe, 14265 W Colfax Ave, Lakewood, CO 80401, USA (map)
Description: 6:00 pm to order dinner from the menu
7:00 pm Business Meeting
Election of Officers. Our President, John Fraioli and Secretary Carole Beermann are not running for re-election. John has served as Treasurer, Vice-President, and President. Carole has been Secretary for several years. Thank you, both for your service
Event: Hagerty Fall Rallye
Hagerty is hosting a Fall Rallye on Saturday, October 22 at 8am. We will depart and return from the Hagerty parking lot at our office in Golden. We have had a lot of help in putting this together with our friends in the MG Car Club and the employees at Hagerty. This Rallye is not very long, but will fill your morning with some great Colorado scenery and a chance to participate in a Time, Speed, Distance event.
If you would like to participate, please fill out the registration below and email Sara Bain 231-929-6172
The registration fee is 1 tool donated to the Buckley Air Base station in Aurora for their new auto shop. We will be collecting the tools at the Rallye start at Hagerty.
Depart/Arrive: Hagerty Golden Office
1010 Johnson Rd 150
Golden, CO 80401
Time: Meet at 8am for coffee and Rallye School
Depart: 9:00am
Event: In Search Of The Great Pumpkin Rally II
From our friends at SCCA:
Our Club has scheduled a Gimmick Rally for 12 November 2016. It will be called the In Search Of The Great Pumpkin Rally II. This will be our second rally of the year and is generating a lot of interest.
It will be open to all kinds of cars. SCCA membership is not required although we sign everyone up for a weekend membership for insurance purposes at no cost. The rally will start at the Sears parking lot on the south end of Colorado Springs on Southgate Rd. We will be open for registration at 8 am and the first car will go off at 9:30 am. (Preregistration [is] on
Preregistration is not required but encouraged because we will cap entries at 40.
The cost is $30 per car.